Click the above buttons to see the plan and FAQ's last updated in August 2020.
This document is to inform you about the 2020/2021 School Re-Entry plan, as dictated by the Alberta Government on July 21st. They have chosen to return the students to school in September 2020, with precautionary measures in place.
We received notice of our specific school situation on August 10th, and as such have now been able to complete our re-entry plan. Please thoroughly read the re-entry plan which explains all precautionary safety measures advised by both Alberta Education and Alberta Health Services that we will be implementing at Parkland School. Please note that anything underlined in blue is a clickable link.
It is important to understand that this document can change at any moment, according to mandates. Changes will be communicated to our school population as they are put in place. PLEASE NOTE: AHS has different rules for schools than they do for the community, as outlined to the schools via their personal AHS representatives. Therefore, Parkland School mandates reflect our instructions from our own school AHS rep and may differ than those of other schools or the community.
Please click here to access the COVID-19 online self-assessment tool.